Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Patch

Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Patch keeps your little ones safe from mozzie bites while they’re in the great outdoors. It works indoor just as well. The unique formulation uses plant-derived essential oil that is safe to use on little ones to keep mozzies away. As there is no direct skin contact, your child plays safer, for longer.

  • Natural active ingredient
  • No DEET
  • Excellent protection against mosquito bites
  • Individually-sealed patches to preserve efficacy
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Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Patch

Available in 10 patches, 22 patches

Great For:

  • [1]
  • Tear pouch and remove patch.
  • [2]
  • Peel protective film off patch.
  • [3]
  • Attach patch onto your clothes or a location close to you.
  • [4]
  • For greater protection, recommend using more than one patch.
  • [5]
  • Wash hands thoroughly after use.

Main Ingredients

Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil

Important Notes:

  • Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. Store away from food, drink and foodstuff. Always keep unused mosquito repellent patch in a labelled original box. Do not use the empty box for any other purposes. The product can be disposed of a standard municipal waste after use.
  • External use only. Use as directed. Refer to product label for details.
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